Matthew Darbyshire

Matthew Darbyshire

Stanley Picker Fellow 2010
Blades House (installation view) Gasworks London 2008

Matthew Darbyshire’s interests lies in the study and re-presentation of contemporary design that everywhere dominates both public and private spaces. His assembled objects, gathered from affordable brand-name goods, try to explain why we find these intensely coloured things so appealing and contemporary, and why we use them to project an image of ourselves. His installations Matthew Darbyshire

Daniel Eatock

Daniel Eatock

Stanley Picker Fellow 2010

Daniel Eatock’s career has been defined by a series of high-profile commercial design jobs, together with a vast body of ‘self-instigated’ work, that manifest themselves on multiple, often participatory, platforms including his own website as well as  print, exhibitions and performative activity as part of his day-to-day existence. Eatock has been preparing an exhibition of Daniel Eatock