Dagmar Glausnitzer-Smith

Dagmar Glausnitzer-Smith

Stanley Picker Fellow 2002

“In art terminology Dagmar Glausnitzer-Smith is basically an installation-maker though more by osmosis than calculated adoption of the genre. For her, the appropriation of space or of a specific place as integral to a constructed metaphor follows naturally from the fact that we are always somewhere in particular where we live, where we work (and Dagmar Glausnitzer-Smith

Shona Illingworth

Shona Illingworth

Stanley Picker Fellow 2002

“At first, unable to cope, the mind and the body retreat, withdrawing from the trauma. The weight of this burden is oppressive. There is no solace. The psyche is scarred. A barrier is erected for protection, imprisoning the trauma. The mind cannot deny what has happened, but rather than torment the psyche, it seeks refuge Shona Illingworth